Welcome to our comprehensive guide on fixer upper house staging! If you're a homeowner looking to sell your property or a real estate investor aiming to maximize your return on investment, properly staging your fixer upper house is crucial. In this blog post, we will walk you through the basics of fixer upper house staging, explain why it matters, and provide you with practical tips and techniques to make your property shine.

First, we will discuss the importance of preparing your fixer upper house for staging. This includes cleaning and decluttering, as well as tackling any essential repairs and renovations. By starting with a clean and well-maintained canvas, you can create a more appealing space for potential buyers.

Next, we will delve into effective staging techniques specifically tailored for fixer upper houses. We will explore how to strategically use furniture and decor to highlight the property's features and create a welcoming atmosphere. Additionally, we will share tips on utilizing lighting to add warmth and coziness, while avoiding overpersonalization that could turn off potential buyers.

To help you avoid common mistakes, we will address some of the pitfalls to watch out for when staging a fixer upper house. This includes avoiding overcrowding spaces, neglecting curb appeal, and overlooking minor details that can make a big difference. Furthermore, we will emphasize the importance of pricing your home appropriately to attract the right buyers.

Finally, we will discuss the option of hiring a professional stager versus taking on the challenge of DIY staging. We will weigh the pros and cons of each approach, enabling you to make an informed decision based on your specific circumstances and budget.

Whether you're a seasoned real estate investor or a homeowner looking to sell, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to successfully stage your fixer upper house. So let's dive in and transform your property into a showstopping masterpiece that captivates potential buyers and maximizes your selling potential.

Understanding the Basics: What is Fixer Upper House Staging and Why it Matters

Fixer upper house staging is the process of preparing and presenting a property that requires significant repairs or renovations in order to maximize its appeal to potential buyers. It involves strategically arranging furniture, decor, and other elements to showcase the property's potential and create an inviting atmosphere.

Staging is especially crucial for fixer upper houses because these properties often have visible flaws or unfinished areas that can make it challenging for buyers to envision the full potential of the space. By staging effectively, you can help buyers see past the current condition of the property and envision the possibilities.

But why does fixer upper house staging matter? Here are a few key reasons:

  1. Enhancing Visual Appeal: Staging allows you to highlight the best features of your fixer upper house and downplay any shortcomings. By arranging furniture, adding decor, and creating a cohesive design, you can make the property visually appealing and leave a lasting impression on potential buyers.

  2. Creating a Vision: Fixer upper houses often require buyers to invest time and money into renovations. Staging helps buyers see the potential of the property and imagine how it could look after their own personal touches and improvements. This can significantly increase their interest and willingness to make an offer.

  3. Increasing Perceived Value: A well-staged fixer upper house can create a sense of value in the eyes of potential buyers. When a property is presented in a way that showcases its strengths and possibilities, buyers are more likely to perceive it as a desirable investment, which can ultimately lead to higher offers and a quicker sale.

  4. Setting Your Property Apart: In a competitive real estate market, staging can give your fixer upper house a competitive edge. By creating a visually appealing and well-presented space, you can make your property stand out from others on the market, attracting more potential buyers and increasing the likelihood of a successful sale.

Overall, fixer upper house staging is essential because it helps buyers visualize the potential of a property, increases its perceived value, and sets it apart from other listings. By investing time and effort into staging your fixer upper house, you can significantly improve your chances of selling quickly and at a higher price.

Preparing Your Fixer Upper House for Staging

Preparing your fixer upper house for staging is a crucial step in the process. It involves taking the necessary measures to ensure that your property is clean, organized, and in the best possible condition to showcase its potential to potential buyers. In this section, we will cover the essential tasks you should focus on when preparing your fixer upper house for staging.

The Importance of Cleaning and Decluttering

Before you can effectively stage your fixer upper house, it's essential to start with a clean and clutter-free space. Here are some key cleaning and decluttering tasks to tackle:

  1. Deep Cleaning: Clean every nook and cranny of your house, including floors, walls, windows, and fixtures. Pay special attention to areas that are often overlooked, such as baseboards, ceiling corners, and light switches.

  2. Decluttering: Remove any unnecessary items from your house to create a sense of spaciousness and allow potential buyers to envision themselves living in the space. Pack away personal belongings, excessive furniture, and any items that may distract or overwhelm buyers.

  3. Storage Solutions: If your fixer upper house lacks storage space, consider investing in temporary storage solutions to store excess belongings during the staging process. This will help create a clean and organized environment that highlights the potential of the space.

Essential Repairs and Renovations

Fixer upper houses often require repairs and renovations to address any visible issues and maximize their appeal. Consider the following tasks:

  1. Structural Repairs: Address any major structural issues, such as roof leaks, foundation cracks, or plumbing problems. These issues can significantly affect the value and marketability of your property.

  2. Cosmetic Upgrades: Update outdated fixtures, replace worn-out flooring, and refresh paint colors to give your fixer upper house a more modern and appealing look.

  3. Kitchen and Bathroom Updates: These areas are often the focal points for potential buyers. Consider making improvements such as refacing cabinets, installing new countertops, or updating bathroom fixtures to add value and appeal.

Planning Your Space Layout

Creating an effective space layout is key to showcasing the potential of your fixer upper house. Consider the following tips:

  1. Define Purpose: Clearly define the purpose of each room to help buyers understand how they can utilize the space. Convert any ambiguous or underutilized areas into functional spaces to highlight the possibilities.

  2. Furniture Placement: Arrange furniture in a way that maximizes the flow and functionality of each room. Avoid overcrowding and ensure that furniture placement highlights the best features of the space.

  3. Room Staging: Stage each room with appropriate furniture and decor that complements the style and potential of the house. Use neutral colors and styles that appeal to a wide range of buyers.

By focusing on cleaning, decluttering, addressing necessary repairs, and planning your space layout, you will set the stage for a successful staging process. These preparatory steps will help create a blank canvas that allows potential buyers to envision the possibilities and fall in love with your fixer upper house.

Effective Staging Techniques for a Fixer Upper House

Once you have prepared your fixer upper house by cleaning, decluttering, and addressing any necessary repairs, it's time to focus on effective staging techniques that will highlight the potential of your property. In this section, we will explore various strategies and tips to make your fixer upper house shine.

Utilizing Furniture and Decor to Highlight Features

  1. Furniture Selection: Choose furniture that suits the style and size of each room. Opt for pieces that are in good condition and complement the overall aesthetic of the house. Consider renting furniture if needed to create a cohesive and attractive look.

  2. Grouping Furniture: Arrange furniture in a way that creates a natural flow and highlights the best features of each room. Create conversational areas and define functional spaces to help potential buyers envision the possibilities.

  3. Emphasizing Focal Points: Identify the focal points of each room, such as a fireplace, large windows, or architectural details, and arrange furniture to draw attention to these features. Use rugs, artwork, or lighting to further enhance the focal points.

  4. Showcasing Functionality: Arrange furniture in a way that demonstrates the functionality of each space. For example, if you have a small nook, stage it as a cozy reading corner or a home office to highlight its potential use.

Creating a Cozy Atmosphere with Lighting

  1. Natural Light: Maximize natural light by keeping curtains or blinds open during showings. Clean windows thoroughly to allow as much light as possible to illuminate the space.

  2. Artificial Lighting: Enhance the ambiance of your fixer upper house with strategically placed lighting. Use a combination of overhead lighting, table lamps, and floor lamps to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

  3. Layered Lighting: Incorporate different types of lighting, such as ambient, task, and accent lighting, to add depth and create different moods in each room. Dimmer switches can also be used to adjust lighting levels according to the time of day or desired ambiance.

  4. Highlighting Architectural Features: Use lighting fixtures to accentuate architectural details or unique features of your fixer upper house. For example, install track lighting to showcase exposed beams or use wall sconces to draw attention to a textured accent wall.

Adding Personal Touches without Overpersonalizing

  1. Neutral Color Palette: Stick to a neutral color palette for the walls, furniture, and decor. Neutral colors create a blank canvas that allows potential buyers to envision their own style and preferences in the space.

  2. Artwork and Decor: Incorporate tasteful artwork and decor that complements the style of your fixer upper house. Choose pieces that are visually appealing but not overly personal or distracting.

  3. Styling Bookshelves and Surfaces: Arrange books, decorative objects, and plants on bookshelves and surfaces in an organized and aesthetically pleasing manner. Avoid overcrowding and maintain a clean and minimalist look.

  4. Fresh Flowers and Greenery: Add a touch of freshness and life to your fixer upper house by placing fresh flowers or potted plants in key areas. This can create an inviting and vibrant atmosphere.

By utilizing furniture and decor to highlight features, creating a cozy ambiance with lighting, and adding tasteful personal touches, you can effectively stage your fixer upper house to showcase its potential and appeal to potential buyers. These techniques will help create a welcoming and attractive environment that captivates and engages prospective buyers.

Avoiding Common Mistakes When Staging a Fixer Upper House

When staging a fixer upper house, it's important to be aware of common mistakes that can hinder your efforts and potentially turn off potential buyers. In this section, we will discuss some of these pitfalls and provide tips on how to avoid them.

Overcrowding Spaces

  1. Clear Pathways: Ensure that there is ample space for potential buyers to move freely throughout the house. Avoid blocking walkways or cramming too much furniture into a room, as this can create a sense of clutter and make the space feel smaller.

  2. Scale and Proportion: Choose furniture that is appropriately sized for each room. Oversized furniture can make a space feel cramped, while undersized furniture can make it appear empty and uninviting.

  3. Minimize Accessories: While accessories can add visual interest, be mindful not to overdo it. Too many accessories can overwhelm a space and distract buyers from the overall potential of the house.

Ignoring Curb Appeal

  1. Landscaping: Pay attention to the exterior of your fixer upper house. Ensure that the landscaping is well-maintained, with trimmed shrubs, a manicured lawn, and colorful flowers if possible. A neglected exterior can create a negative first impression.

  2. Entryway: Make the entryway welcoming and inviting. Consider adding a fresh coat of paint to the front door, updating the hardware, and placing a doormat or potted plants to create a positive first impression.

  3. Exterior Repairs: Address any visible exterior repairs, such as cracked sidewalks, peeling paint, or damaged siding. These issues can give the impression that the property is not well-maintained.

Neglecting Minor Details

  1. Cleanliness: Pay attention to the small details, such as dusting, vacuuming, and ensuring that all surfaces are clean. Potential buyers will notice the cleanliness of your fixer upper house and may be put off by a lack of attention to detail.

  2. Odor Control: Eliminate any unpleasant odors in your fixer upper house. Ensure that carpets are clean, and consider using air fresheners or diffusers with subtle scents to create a pleasant atmosphere.

  3. Fixing Small Issues: Take the time to fix minor issues, such as leaky faucets, loose doorknobs, or squeaky hinges. These small details can leave a negative impression and suggest a lack of maintenance.

Overpricing Your Home

  1. Research Market Value: Research the local real estate market and consult with a real estate agent to determine the appropriate listing price for your fixer upper house. Overpricing can deter potential buyers and lead to a longer time on the market.

  2. Consider Condition and Comparable Sales: Take into account the condition of your property and recent sales of similar fixer upper houses in the area. Adjust your price accordingly to reflect the work required and the current market conditions.

  3. Appraisal and Inspection: Be prepared for potential buyers to request appraisals and inspections. Ensure that your asking price aligns with the appraised value and the condition of the house as identified during inspections.

By avoiding common mistakes such as overcrowding spaces, neglecting curb appeal, neglecting minor details, and overpricing your home, you can increase your chances of staging your fixer upper house successfully. Taking the time to address these potential pitfalls will help create a positive impression on potential buyers and ultimately lead to a successful sale.

Hiring a Professional Stager vs DIY Staging

When it comes to staging your fixer upper house, you have the option to either hire a professional stager or take on the challenge of DIY staging. Each approach has its own advantages and considerations. In this section, we will explore the pros and cons of hiring a professional stager versus DIY staging to help you make an informed decision.

Pros and Cons of Hiring a Professional Stager


  1. Expertise and Experience: Professional stagers have extensive knowledge and experience in staging properties. They know how to highlight the best features of your fixer upper house and create a visually appealing and marketable space.

  2. Access to Resources: Professional stagers have a network of resources, including furniture rental companies, decor suppliers, and tradespeople. They can easily access and utilize these resources to enhance the staging process.

  3. Time-Saving: Hiring a professional stager can save you time and effort. They will handle all the staging tasks, from furniture selection and arrangement to decor placement, allowing you to focus on other aspects of selling your property.

  4. Objective Perspective: Professional stagers can provide an objective perspective on your fixer upper house. They can identify areas that need improvement, suggest necessary repairs, and offer insights on how to appeal to a broader range of potential buyers.


  1. Cost: Hiring a professional stager can be expensive, as their fees typically range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the size and complexity of the staging project. This cost may not be feasible for sellers on a tight budget.

  2. Limited Control: When you hire a professional stager, you are entrusting them with the design and execution of the staging process. This means you may have limited control over the final outcome and may need to trust their expertise and vision.

Pros and Cons of DIY Staging


  1. Cost-Effective: DIY staging can be more cost-effective compared to hiring a professional stager. You can save money by using your existing furniture and decor, or by purchasing affordable staging items to enhance the appeal of your fixer upper house.

  2. Flexibility and Control: With DIY staging, you have complete control over the design and execution. You can personalize the staging process according to your preferences and make adjustments as needed.

  3. Learning Experience: DIY staging provides an opportunity to learn about home staging and gain valuable skills that can be applied in future real estate endeavors. It allows you to tap into your own creativity and showcase your personal style.


  1. Lack of Expertise: Unless you have experience in staging, you may not have the same level of expertise as a professional stager. This can result in less effective staging, potentially impacting the marketability and appeal of your fixer upper house.

  2. Time and Effort: DIY staging can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. You will need to invest your own time and effort in researching staging techniques, arranging furniture, and styling the space to create an appealing environment.

  3. Limited Resources: As a DIY stager, you may not have access to the same resources as a professional stager. This could restrict your options when it comes to furniture rentals, decor items, and other staging necessities.

Determining Which Option is Best for You

To determine whether to hire a professional stager or opt for DIY staging, consider the following factors:

  1. Budget: Assess your budget and determine how much you are willing to invest in staging your fixer upper house. If you have limited funds, DIY staging may be a more viable option.

  2. Time and Skill: Evaluate your availability, skills, and willingness to take on the tasks involved in staging. If you have the time and confidence in your abilities, DIY staging may be a rewarding experience.

  3. Market Conditions: Consider the current real estate market conditions in your area. If the market is competitive and you want to ensure a quick and successful sale, hiring a professional stager may give you an edge.

  4. Property Complexity: Assess the complexity of your fixer upper house. If it requires extensive repairs or renovations, professional guidance may be beneficial to showcase its potential effectively.

Ultimately, the decision between hiring a professional stager or opting for DIY staging depends on your unique circumstances, budget, and personal preferences. Consider the pros and cons of each option and choose the approach that aligns best with your goals and resources.