New! AI furniture removal & AI virtual staging for studio layouts are here!

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AI Virtual Staging
Stage Real Estate Images in Seconds

Save 90% of the Cost

AI Virtual Staging Image Examples

Before Virtual Staging
before and after images that were done with Virtual Staging AI-0
After Virtual Staging
before and after images that were done with Virtual Staging AI-1

AI Furniture Removal Examples

Before Furniture Removal
before and after images that were done with Virtual Staging AI-0
After Furniture Removal
before and after images that were done with Virtual Staging AI-1

As seen in

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Upload Image done with Virtual Staging AI

Step 1: Upload Image

Upload a high-quality image of an empty room.
File types supported: JPG, JPEG, and PNG

Choose Style done with Virtual Staging AI

Step 2: Choose Style

Choose the style of furniture. There are many to try from!

Submit done with Virtual Staging AI

Step 3: Submit

Click “Submit” to stage your room! Wait for 30 seconds to see your staged images!

Regenerate done with Virtual Staging AI

Step 4: Regenerate

Regenerate for perfection. Regenerate as many times as you want until you get the perfect image!

Bring down your home staging cost with AI Virtual Staging

MethodPrice ($)
Virtual Staging with AI
Our software.
Only $5/image
If you use the Enterprise plan with a subscription.
Virtual Staging
Humans using photoshop to edit real estate images.
Physical Staging
Physically staging a home with furniture.
Virtual Staging AI background image

Get started today

Stage Real Estate Images in Seconds. Save 90% of the Cost.

Stage your first image

What our users say about Virtual Staging with AI

See what others are saying about us.

    • I take photos of 2 to 3 units per day and was thrilled when I found! They significantly cut down on how much money I spend on virtual staging!

      Photographer (Cleveland, OH)
      Testimonials from users who have used Virtual Staging AI
    • During my busy season, I photograph 20 properties per week for my clients. They’ve always asked about virtual staging solutions and when I found, I was thrilled because it takes less than a minute to get great results and make my clients happy.

      Photographer (Shreveport, LA)
      Testimonials from users who have used Virtual Staging AI
    • Virtual staging has always been an additional offering to my real estate customers, but at great expense with little upside, so I hated doing it. actually helped me make that service far more profitable and worthwhile, given that it’s much more reasonably priced and works great for the properties that I photograph. It’s been a great find.

      Photographer (Texarkana, TX)
      Testimonials from users who have used Virtual Staging AI
    • I’ve worked with virtual staging studios located on the other side of the world for years because their pricing was the only thing that made it worthwhile to offer. I shoot 12-15 properties per week and I don’t have the time to do it myself. The headache of good communication and waiting for 24 hours to get a staged image, as well as the additional back and forth is just freaking frustrating. makes all that go away by just doing it by AI in a few moments. And I can re-run the images as many times as I want until I get what I like. It’s worked great for me and I’m glad something like this fell into my lap.

      Photographer (Albuquerque, NM)
      Testimonials from users who have used Virtual Staging AI
    • We like to sit down with prospective renters and show them what units could look like if they moved in. gives us a cheap and easy way to do that!

      Property Manager (Mclean, VA)
      Testimonials from users who have used Virtual Staging AI
    • We have an average of 25 units per building. Historically, we have only been able to stage 1 out of the 25 units since virtual staging was too expensive. With, we have cut our virtual spending by a factor of 10 and plan on staging the other 24 units in the building!

      Property Manager (Boulder, CO)
      Testimonials from users who have used Virtual Staging AI
    • Unfortunately, my property management company wasn’t doing a good job staging our units. They were showing a physically staged unit of one floor plan across all of our units. This made no sense! Fortunately, I was able to use myself to course correct my property management company.

      Asset manager (Cincinnati, OH)
      Testimonials from users who have used Virtual Staging AI
    • I've worked with many staging companies throughout my career, but nothing comes close to's speed. I no longer have to do a back and forth with BoxBrownie/Styldod! allows me to simply regenerate images I don't like until I find one that I love!

      Real Estate Broker and Investor (Chicago, IL)
      Testimonials from users who have used Virtual Staging AI
    • A staging solution that actually makes financial sense for my cheaper properties! I always wanted to be able to stage them, but it just didn't make financial sense. Fortunately, a friend showed me and now we have a way to stage all of our cheaper properties.

      Real Estate Broker (Seattle, WA)
      Testimonials from users who have used Virtual Staging AI
    • I've been noticing that more and more of the comps I look at have staged images. I was wondering what folks were using and quickly found It looks like everyone in the real estate industry will soon have to do virtual staging AI to keep up with the market.

      Real Estate Broker (Austin, TX)
      Testimonials from users who have used Virtual Staging AI

Virtual Staging at a fraction of the cost

Elevate your real estate listings with AI-powered virtual staging. Fast, accurate, and cost-effective.

Pay-Per-Image Credits

Purchase credits and use them when you need to stage a room. Our AI will seamlessly stage your real estate images to perfection.

Key Features

  • Free re-rendering included
  • All room types included
  • All styles included
  • 30 second turn around time

Flexible and Cost-Effective

$5per image

1 Credit = 1 Image

The above price is for Enterprise plan

Purchase Credits

Credit is available on a one-time (pay-as-you-go) or on a subscription.

Frequently Asked Questions